Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day Three

OOOOOH I am feeling much better, I am still really tired and I have slept most of the day, but it alot more peaceful!, I was able to take a shower too! It felt so good! My little guy Brushed and blow dried my hair! He is so wonderful! I am so very thankful! My Darling Mom In Law sent me the most beautiful yellow baby rose bush, It's Alive too! I love it and I have named her sissy!

My Beautiful awesome Mom and neice (2yrs) old stayed with me today! I am so thankful!

Thank you for your prayers!




Anonymous said...

Missed your lovely call tonight!! I am bummed. Are you still up? Anyway, I am taking Mila to school in the morning, I hope I hear from you again my dear!! I am praying for you. Sounds like your recovery is going well. So happy for you.....

XO :) J