Monday, February 11, 2008

Today was a Sad day for Me!

This morning my husband went out to his work truck to go to work and found that someone stole all his tools, We are talking about hundreds of dollars worth of tools, including 2 drills. I found out at about 6:30 am and the rest of the day was shot for me.

Please pray that the Lord helps us replace the most important tools first without much struggle. My Husband works very hard and without the tools he needs he is going to be hurting.

On a good note this was an awesome opportunity to show Donovan that we are called to pray for our enemies. So we prayed that God would open their hearts and eyes to him, Who knows maybe God will convict them and We will wake up to find the tools on the door step.



pchickki said...

Oh Lori
Did this happen since I talked to you?
So what are you going to do? Did D'Angelo report it stolen (as if that helps any).

Maybe that is why he was offered the other position at work huh? God works in strange ways! I am so sorry. He must be in a daze. Darn it!
Call and talk to me about this when you can.
Love You